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+38 (073) 121 26 96

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+38 (068) 608 72 22

+38 (073) 121 26 96

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Street culture is the only community that creates a way to educate young people
and youth infrastructure in every city of Ukraine

our activities before 24.02.2022

Street Culture
It's an all-Ukrainian platform that unites different forms of street sports and urban cultures.

Our goals:
1. Creation of urban parks and urban centers
2. Integration of street cultures into the program of the education system
3. Stimulation and development of children and youth towards an active lifestyle
We believe street culture is a philosophy for forming creative youth who can change the world!



From the first day of the invasion, we started volunteering in the city of Kharkiv

more than 100000

Kharkiv citizens got help during the first four months of the war

Street Culture after 24.02.2022

IronB is a charitable foundation created on the basis of the NGO Streetculture in Kharkiv during the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine in 2022.Both organizations - the NGO Streetculture and the IronB charitable foundation - made an essential contribution to the support of the civilian population in Kharkiv and the de-occupied territories and the fight against the Russian invaders.Thanks to the establishment of the IronB charity fund and aid delivery crews, necessary assistance, such as food, hygiene products, and medicine, was provided to the neediest groups of the population, including the disabled, pensioners, and large and single-parent families. This helped make life much easier for those who found themselves in a difficult situation during the conflict.IronB provides humanitarian aid in de-occupied territories where civilians are also suffering from war. This includes delivering food, medicine, and other essentials that help people survive conflict and maintain their health.In addition, IronB helps in providing military personnel who are defending Ukraine from Russian invaders. This means that the fund provides the military with various necessary items, including combat equipment, weapons, special equipment, and more. This helps the military stay relevant to the enemy and keeps the military and civilians safe.NGO Streetculture and CF IronB are actively engaged in collecting humanitarian aid, which is then handed over to volunteers for delivery even to the front line.In general, both organizations showed a true humanitarian soul and made an important contribution to the fight against the Russian invaders, and supported the people who suffer from this aggression.




It is very important now to support young families who have already given birth or are just waiting for a baby. Many families found themselves in a difficult situation due to the lack of work and money.Our task is to support families with the most necessary: baby food, diapers, children's clothes, toys, and hygiene products for the family. Children are our future!


Not one time we have heard from people that they had 5 minutes for packing.
Not one time we have heard that people's houses burned down before their eyes.
That's why we decided to make a hub to help displaced people with clothes, shoes, and essential items: pillows, blankets, bed linen, folding tables, dishes, and more.
Everyone can apply and get everything they need for comfortable living conditions.

food-sets hub

IDPs who left the occupied territory are in great need of help.
That's why we organized a food delivery hub. After applying and registering in our database, people have the possibility to receive different foodstuff at our food-sets hub.
This support is very important for them.



Elderly people and children, the wounded, and people with strokes and heart attacks have been overflowing the hospitals of our city since the first days of the war.Our team helped in providing hospitals and medical institutions with the necessary equipment and consumables and medicines.We also created a rehabilitation office where you can get help, namely:● electrophoresis● electrostimulation with drugs● plasma therapy● injections and dripsWe felt the importance of medical care like never before!

help for the OF EVACUATION shelters

The safest place during the war, unfortunately, becomes a bomb shelter.
A large number of people found shelter there.
We understand that they are all very scared and in a state of stress, so we try to equip the bunkers as comfortably as possible for temporary living.
Our team equipped 5 bunkers in Kharkiv, with a total capacity of 2,700 people.
We also helped people who were forced to live in the subway, at the Heroes of Labor station, most of these people are residents of North Saltovka. There were more than 2,000 of them.
We also supported a large number of basements throughout the city. The number of people in one basement reached 100.
It is very important to keep bunkers in working order during these dire times.



Many people haven't had any opportunity or haven't wanted to leave Kharkiv in the first days of the war. So there are a lot of lonely, elderly people left in our city, who later have found themselves in a very difficult situation. Constant shelling had given any way to leave the house...We have helped people move to more or less safe areas, boarding houses, and sanatoriums for the disabled transported them to the railway station and relatives and helped them to descend into the bunker.


Great efforts are a great help!

From the first days of the war, our logistics center had been located on the asphalt near the car, which hadn't turned off the engine until the curfew began.
Thanks to friends, the community and people who had come to the help of Kharkiv, we have joined forces and grown into a large logistics center with a size of more than 3000 square meters, which can accommodate more than 10 trucks.
It's a center for unloading, sorting, packaging, storage, distribution and accounting of humanitarian aid.
From this point aid is sent to the de-occupied territories, 10 humanitarian aid delivery points are provided, and crews are dispatched for targeted delivery. The disabled, pensioners, large families, and single-parent families remain priority population groups

IDP's help

For now, we have helped more than 3000 families, and approximately from 15000 to 20000 people.We organized aid delivery crews throughout the city.Now our task is to support people who have got out of the occupied territories and the territories of the constant shelling. Their life there was impossible in conditions of lack of heating, gas, water, and electricity.

  • more than 3000 families

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  • 75% are HAVing A DAMAGED HOME


We're understanding how burdened the psychological state of every person is now, and how emotional stabilization of everyone who finds himself in the conditions of war is now necessary!Therefore, instead of the base of the Break Center, which has existed since 2015, we have organized a hub of psychological support for displaced persons and residents of Kharkiv.we introduced the program:● psychological support● active workshops● training● master classes for improving qualifications and acquiring new knowledge● lectures● work with teachers Now is the time to support everyone who is waiting!


our friends and partners


our team

Together we are a force!

This war has united some of the bravest and kindest people in our city.The story started with two friends Valery Bychkov and Dmytro Li, and now our organization is containing more than 100 volunteers!World champions, international events organizers, civil servants, chefs, entrepreneurs, artists, lawyers, rehabilitation doctors, programmers, CG artists, racers, parents, and their children - this is the humble composition of our teamTogether - we are a force!Glory to Ukraine!
















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    +38 (073) 121 26 96 DMYTRO

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